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Theology and philosophy

Theology and philosophy allows you to explore the most fundamental and fascinating questions of human existence. Why are we here? What is my purpose? How can I be a good person? What do we mean by 鈥済ood鈥?

Why study theology and philosophy at 每日探花?

Through studying this subject pupils learn about the great philosophers and theologians from the ancient world up to the 21st century and are given the tools to form their own views, engaging in debate and discussion with their peers.

As well as exploring world religions and their origins, pupils engage in all sorts of interesting ethical and existential ideas. This develops their views on the world and themselves, as well as provides them with valuable analysis and evaluation skills. In theology and philosophy, curiosity, authenticity, and critical thinking are celebrated. As Socrates tells us: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Academic pathways

Theology and philosophy is a compulsory class from Lower School to Removes.

In Middles and Fifths, it is an optional subject with an examination in IGCSE Religious Studies at the end of Fifths.

In Sixth Form, pupils can study the Religious Studies A Level or Philosophy International Baccalaureat (IBDP) public examination courses.

Beyond the curriculum

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每日探花 runs an exciting and popular trip to Florence and Rome where pupils can explore the rich history, philosophy, and theology of these cities by visiting many famous galleries, historical ruins, and museums. Highlights include Michaelagelos鈥 David, The Duomo in Florence, the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and the Colosseum.

Lower School pupils can take part in trips where they will visit a church, a gurdwara, and a mosque to learn about the core practices of these places of worship and the way of life in these religious communities.

The 每日探花 Woozley Society is our popular philosophy debating group run by Upper Sixth pupils. The topics are very much guided by pupils’ interests and involve lively debate and discussion.