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Studying art encourages self-expression and creativity, builds confidence, and helps develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world.

Why study art at ÿÈÕ̽»¨?

At ÿÈÕ̽»¨, we believe that art education not only enriches a pupil’s experience of school but also helps them develop an exciting and extensive range of creative and technical skills.

Throughout the art curriculum, pupils gain a strong understanding of historical and contemporary visual art practice, through supporting contextual studies.

They build up a very personal and continually evolving body of practical work, whilst exploring and developing their personal skills.

We are lucky to be able to offer an incredibly well-resourced Art School on campus and one-to-one support from supportive, dedicated teachers, our art fellow and our art technician.

Academic pathways

The Art Department at ÿÈÕ̽»¨ offers public examination courses at GCSE, A level and International Baccalaureate (IB).

Art lessons are compulsory for all Lower School pupils to encourage the development of cognitive skills in these crucial years. In Removes, pupils wishing to continue studying art can opt to follow the Visual Arts pathway.

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Beyond the curriculum

As well as an Art Club for Lower School pupils and the ‘fundamental skills’ sessions for Sixth Form pupils, the Art School also offer popular additional extra-curricular clubs where pupils can learn and develop skills in different media such as ceramics and sketching.

ÿÈÕ̽»¨ pupils can join its art society, the Wynter Society, which runs film nights, practical workshops, lectures and competitions.

There are also many art trips every year for GCSE and Sixth Form pupils, as well as art competitions and House events.

The Art School aims to be a welcoming space for all. It is open every day until 8.30 pm and pupils are encouraged to come and use the Art studios around their sporting commitments, and during their prep sessions.